La tomatina Spanish food fight 2020
This tredition complete madness guys and if you are planning to with on your exciting but it is in the month of August they are the people with such an expedient I'd love to see one on the streets of the north. Unique festival starts on the witness all this. What might be the perfect time for your trip to Spain.
The idea is very basic – on August 26th tonnes and tons, 120 tons to be exact, of tomatoes are unloaded in the town of Buñol and a large number of partiers from around the globe scoop them up and fling them at one another. It's down on! While it is war, it's a war of fun and love (where it counts). No one gets injured (ideally), we as a whole simply get somewhat filthy. You don't have the foggiest idea about the joy of heaving tomatoes until you've attempted it, trust us. From the second the standard flames flagging the beginning of the fight, we have about an hour to toss the same number of tomatoes as humanly conceivable – and there are millions to browse, delicate ones, hard ones, green ones, spoiled ones, the decision is yours.