Advantages and disadvantages of fast food essay 2023
Advantages and disadvantages of fast food essay 2023
Fast food often contains a bunch of addedsugars and many empty carbs. Added sugar resultsin high blood sugar levels and therefore highinsulin levels, which influence hormones likeIGF-1, responsible for rapid cell division,oily skin, and the formation of acne.Weight gain.Of course, you will also gain weight as fastfood has usually many calories which yourbody cannot utilize, so it will be stored- in form of fat. Fructose, which is oftenadded in beverages as a sweetener, is especiallydangerous because it is converted into fatmuch faster than other types of sugar, likeglucose.Bloating.Sodium is a huge problem in fast food. Thepatties of burgers e.g. are seasoned withsalt. The toppings are usually also very wellsalted. And of course you eat your burgerwith salty fries. So the recommended maximumintake is exceeded pretty fast, leading tofluid retention and therefore a less efficientdigestion and gas production, leaving youfeeling bloated like a balloon.Swelling.
Swelling in places like hands, arms, and feetis a typical side effect of too high sodiumintake. Our body always wants to keep thebalance between sodium and fluid, and if youconsume too much sodium, water will be drawnout of the cell, put into the blood streamand your extremities get swollen.High cholesterol.Fast food, especially fried foods, containa lot of fatty acids. The fatty acids arecirculating in the blood via a so-called low-densitylipoprotein (LDL). Intracellular lipid accumulationcan occur via LDL modifications in the arteries,which can lead to plaque formation. This inturn increases the chance for strokes or othercardiovascular diseases.Mental stress.
Studies suggest that a high-fat diet has aneffect on your mental state as it impairse.g. your memory. And not only that, it increasesthe risk for dementia, quick mood changes,loss of appetite control, and you are moreprone to falling into a depression. The psychologicalchanges are due to hormone release & inhibition,e.g. short lasting dopamine secretion, cortisolsecretion and drops of the testosterone level.Lack of nutrients.High calories and fast food are accompaniedby low nutritional content. That means thatyou consume much without actually consumingmuch, which we call "empty calories". Youneed vitamins and minerals to function psychologicallyand physiologically, and people who ate forone month straight only fast food almost DIEDdue to the lack of nutrients!Poor fitness.If you want to build up muscle and strength,I think I don't need to tell you that fastfood won't provide you with a well balancedfat-protein-ratio. Not only will you not beable to use the amino acids or proteins youconsume in order to build muscle, but youwill also have less testosterone secreted,
which A) will help you actually in buildingup muscles and B) help you in finding themotivation to work out.Poor oral health.Poor oral health is just a result of the addedsugar and the lack of nutrients, and especiallyprocessed red meat is responsible for theproduction of acids in the mouth, which favorbacterial growth and tooth decay.Higher chance of getting cancer.It's scientifically proven that processedfood increases the chance of getting cancer,especially colon cancer. We uptake fat viabile acid, which binds to the fatty acidsand makes them more soluble. The bacteriain our guts remove the glycine and the taurinefrom bile acid, whereas secondary bile acidslike lithocholic acid are made, and THESEare carcinogenic.And as a bonus:New studies revealed that the immune systemreacts similarly to processed food like itdoes to pathogens or infections that can leadto symptoms similar to when you're sick andresult in a susceptible and exhausted immunestate, which increases the chance of gettingsick by a real infection.
Benefits of fast food
We’ll discuss aboutWhich are 8 such foods that men i.e. males should include in their daily dietSo that their testosterone level will remain high Their energy levels will be good Their overall body composition will also be much betterMeans if you include these 8 food items in your daily dietYour mental and physical health will improve a lot Let’s start our videoat number one, the food item I would like to keep is pomegranateyou should eat one pomegranate everyday Because it prevents prostate cancerit Improves your strength and muscular mass a lot because it increases your testosterone levelAlong with this, it also cures the problem of erectile dysfunction to a great extent.
As we all know that the risk of heart attack is high in Males, as compared to females Pomegranate contains a compound called tannin,which reduces the risk of heart disease.Along with this, it improves the voice quality of the malesAnd also helps in the growth of their facial hairThe food item I have placed on the 2nd number is Spinach i.e. paalakIn which you get very high amount of folateIn fact one cup of cooked spinach meets your requirement of 66% of your daily folic acidAnd folic acid plays a very important role In maintaining good sexual health in men That is, if there is a deficiency of folic acid, then you can have many types of sexual problems.You get magnesium in spinach Which improves blood circulation in the bodySimultaneously, it also increases testosterone levels.This means you must try to eat spinach once a day.
A substance found in ginger is gingerol, which has anti-inflammatory properties.That is, by eating ginger, muscle inflammation and muscle soreness are fine.Ginger contains potassium and manganesePotassium improves the function of your muscles and nervous systemAlong with this, manganese helps in absorbing vitamins and minerals.So you must include a little ginger in your daily diet.Along with all these health benefits,it will also help in keeping your digestive system healthy.4th food item is blueberry Which you must include in your daily dietIt is a bit expensive But nothing is more important than your healthYou get antioxidants in very high amounts in blueberriesBlueberries act as anti agingAnd even in a study it has been found that if you eat blueberries post workout, then your muscle recovery is very good.
You get a good amount of Vitamin K and C in BlueberriesDue to which your immunity and metabolism becomes very goodIt Improves Your Brain healthSo if you can eat a handful of blueberries in a day then definitely do it5th food item is Almond i.e. BadamFrom which you get selenium, vitamin E and zincSelenium removes the problem of infertility in menVitamin E is very good for your eyes and skin healthZinc Boosts Libido in MalesAlong with this, almonds contain argeninewhich improves blood flow in your body.So try to eat 10 - 12 almonds in a day.Before moving on to the next food itemRecently I made a video Lungs Detox for Smokerson which all of you have given a lot of love, but many people are asking in the comment box thatIs there any supplement that can be taken to detox the lungs?so you can use Qraa Men LUNG DETOX capsuleIt is 100% Ayurvedic and helps a lot in detoxifying the lungs and removing mucus and tars from the lungsThis is a great option for smokers' lungs.because it will help in purifying their lungsAll the ingredients used in it are natural like Basil, Turmeric, Ginger, etcWhich makes your respiratory system strong and helps in healthy breathingQraa men Lung Detox Capsules help in repairing lung damage caused by air pollutionand at the same time strengthen your i mentioned in the video also that you should quit smoking from today itselfBut if after that you want to keep your lungs healthy then youCan try Qraa men Lung Detox CapsuleI am giving you the link in the description Click and Check the Product6th Food Item is BananaYou get plenty of potassium in Banana Which is very good for your muscle contraction, your kidney and bone health.In Banana, You get a very good amount of Vitamin B6, which maintains healthy blood sugar in your bodyand makes antibodies for the immune systemBanana contains tryptophan, an amino acid that your body converts to serotoninDue to which your mood remains good and you feel very energeticAnd Banana can be eaten both pre and post workout
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