Effectively study anatomy and physiology|kylie huddleston
September 23, 2022
Effectively study anatomy and physiology|kylie huddleston
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Anatomy and Physiology is required in pursuing a career in any medical or related field. The study of Anatomy and Physiology is the often the first real subject that people find hard even when they have been very succesful in their previous studies. There are many strategies that one can take when undertaking the study and different paths suit different students. Some may find it easiest to go via the dissection route in a lab environment whereas others might find it easy to focus mainly on books and theory. Whatever the route a good overview of the area is a great first step and the Human Anatomy Study Guide provides just that and more. Serious study is required to do well and to do that you need a good sense of where you are going to avoid getting stuck in the quagmire that comes with some of the more weighty tomes. Knowing what to study and how to study it gives you the basic foundation that you can build on for the exams and for the rest of your career.
Study Tips for Anatomy and Physiology
Remember that anatomy is the study of the parts and physiology is the study of the functions of thos parts - obviously they go hand in hand as structure aids function and function determines structure.
There is a lot of sheer memorization so use all the things you learnt about how to remember well like pnemonics and so forth. If you didn't learn that then get a book on memory techniques as it will save you a lot of long nights.
Get a sense of the key terms that relate to the geography of the body like superior, anterior etc
Don't try and do it all alone - study groups are a great way to clarify something you are finding difficult
Get that overview I talked about clear in your head before getting down to the thousands of little aspects
This will take time so get a short course on time management too so that you can plan out a relevant period of study and not have to cram everything in at the last minute.
When all is said and done this is a demanding field and once you have mastered it you will feel a great sense of achievement and you will also have a fantastic foundation for your further studies whatever they may be.
I wish you well
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