how efficient is solar energy complete guide

 Are you aware how home solar energy can help you save money? Everybody knows that electricity bill eats up almost 15-35% of our monthly budget and with the soaring prices of the fuel every homeowners are looking for possible ways save home energy. There are many different ways that you can power a home, but there is one method that is becoming more popular and people find it to be incredibly efficient and lower their monthly energy bill considerably. It is the home solar energy system and it is frequently used as an alternative to electricity. 

Shomeowners are turning to solar power to heat their home’s water and even provide electricity because it is incredibly efficient and cost effective.Home solar energy system is not only used in providing light for your homes but can also be used for communication and pumping water. Solar system is widely used by many people especially in the developed countries and the cost to apply this system varies depending on the location of the house, size of home, and the number of household members living in the house. But studies and surveys have been conducted from the last 2 decades and it has been proven that 50-80 percent of your yearly energy bill is reduced. The initial set up of the home solar energy system is quiet costly but its advantages are enjoyed by the homeowners for a long time; free from the problem of paying monthly energy bills and that is the greatest advantage of all.I am on a tight budget but I want to use solar power system, can I get it at 00?Definitely. All you need is cooperation from your family members, the willingness to get hands-on from them, a bucket of patience and lots of hardwork. You and your family can definitely build your own solar panels and enjoy the financial benefits for a long time. Solar panels installed by professionals could cost about ,000 to ,000 at the onset. But it is a one time fee which does not need monthly maintenance or check up. The Federal investment tax credit gives 30 percent rebates and many states offer incentives if you decide to use solar power energy in your home. This is a way of encouraging homeowners to use solar power.After installing the solar power system in your house you might be wondering how much can you really save in your energy bill?When a homeowner has turned to solar energy to power up their home, they are actually helping the environment. Solar powered homes produce almost 50% less carbon emissions than regular household. That is why solar energy is gaining much popularity everywhere. Aside from helping the environment home solar energy system is one of the most cost-effective way to slash your energy bills and reap huge financial savings for good.Surveys report an average electric bill savings of 73% per month. Savings on your monthly energy bill will depend on how much you pay your utility for electricity or natural gas, and how much your utility company will pay you for any excess power that you generate with your solar system. But it is undeniably a fact that homeowners who opt to use solar energy systems on their home save money.

Thinking about doing your part to clean up your part of the environment. You may have thought about upgrading to solar generated electricity. If you do so, you are moving a step closer towards energy freedom when you start using residential solar power.

To better understand solar electric systems and how they work, you first need to understand the technical components making up a residential solar energy system.

New solar rental services are emerging that offer solar power in new and simple ways. There are a number of solar panel rental offers now on the market. They offer energy efficiency in your home, better control and tracking of home power, and make a home’s electricity services more reliable, and renewable.

This article explains, defined, and illustrates the parts and pieces going into a residential solar energy unit.

Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Panels

The primary components of a home solar system are the Solar (PV) panels. These panels utilize solar cells to convert sunlight directly into home electricity. A number of cells strung together to make a panel that generates about 250 watts (w) of electrical current at peak sunlight capacity. The panels then route power through an inverter where a controller determines how to distribute the power throughout your home.

Solar Energy Controller and Inverter

The controller is the device that monitors and manages the distribution of electricity produced by a residential solar energy system. Its capability extends even further by monitoring and managing the flow of energy between the house, the solar (PV) panels & system, and the local utility company. Often these controllers also have the ability to manage secondary storage through the use of batteries for more flexibility and control.

Coupled with the controller is the brains of the operation; the inverter. An inverter is in essence an electronic circuit that converts direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC). An inverter allows the 12 or 24 volt DC power produced from solar panels to supply AC power to operate all of the electrical needs around your house.

Solar Array Mounting and Connection Components

Connection components are made up of electrical wiring and the rail mounting structure. Several solar panels are arranged into a grid, secured by a rail mounting device, and connected together to make a solar (PV) array. Electrical wiring is needed to connect the solar panels to the controller, then to your meter box, and then to your utility company via the existing electricity grid. Little additional solar energy equipment is needed, other than the panels, controller and inverters, wiring, and the roof mounting system.

The mounting rail is another simple structure that secures your solar (PV) array to your roof with the little need to drill holes through your singles. It is constructed with sturdy materials and engineering, allowing for quick assembly of the solar panels.

Rental Options for Residential Solar Energy Systems

Homeowners now have the ability to generate electricity right at home in safe, simple, and environmentally conscious way. Residential solar energy systems convert sunlight (i.e. photons – straight into home power and common everyday electricity. Residential solar energy systems, now offered to homeowners on a rental basis, provide a new source of reliable electricity and they enhance electric services without expensive investments in solar purchases.

In a future article, we will continue this series related to residential solar energy systems. We will explain in common terms how to measure the power of the sun. One objection often voiced by homeowners researching home solar power relates to the quality of the sunlight.

Is too cloudy? Is it too foggy? How does snow effect solar cell output? We will explain how to determine whether your geographic location receives enough sunlight hours to make solar suitable.

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