5 letter words with no vowels
5 letter words with no vowels
hey naturals how are you i am super excited to be here with you today to help you improve your pronunciation especially focusing on vowel sounds in english so in english as in other languages that use the roman alphabet we have five vowels a e i o u .
However in english we a many more than just five sounds we have more than 14 different sounds associated with these letters and some of those sounds are quite similar so if you've been struggling with differentiating some words from others with similar sounds this lesson is going to help you so much so keep watching so today i'm out in nature with you i've brought you into my backyard for something a little bit different a little bit more natural so in this lesson we're going to take a look at seven different words that have similar but different vowel sounds now if you enjoy pronunciation lessons to help you to speak english naturally fluently.
if you want to represent your native language and help other people who speak your native language to discover go natural english you can contribute your own subtitles in your language in the same area clicking on the gear icon and select contribute subtitles excellent so let's get started with the lesson are you ready let's go you may have noticed that today my voice is slightly different than usual because i have a bit of a cold yes cold is our first word today oh cold listen to the vowel sound and repeat after me cold i have a cold next word is similar but different could c-o-u-l-d could could has the same vowel sound as words that are spelled much differently like put or look could could now be sure that you are not only listening to me but repeat after me when you hear me say a new word so so far we have cold i have a cold and could i could feel much better by tomorrow cold could called from the verb to call i called my mother this morning called so not call led but call so be careful these words that i'm going to show you a lot of them are verbs and none of them get an extra syllable for the past tense cold could called excellent let's keep going a similar verb to call is call c-u-l-l call means to select a small number from a greater number for example.
i received hundreds of applications for a job opening i need to call out the top 10 for interviews for the next step in the process to call go ahead and repeat to call and let's say the past tense because it's more similar to cold so cold could called cold excellent next we have keel to keel over is a phrasal verb that comes from ship terminology boats kill from one side to the other but people can keel over this is slang for to die or to pass out the weather is so hot i hope no one heals over from it excellent so repeat keel over keeled over so keeled sounds quite similar to killed right to kill e is that short i sound not keel let's use this in a phrase using slang to kill the vibe means to bring some negative feelings party was going great until paul walked in and killed the vibe killed you can repeat after me killed now so far we have cold could called called healed killed and our seventh word is cooled the weather the temperature has cooled off quite a bit from earlier in the summer who could be a verb or a noun cool can mean good excellent so let's repeat the words one more time cold could called called healed killed and cooled excellent so you're learning so much about vowel sounds in english.
Today i have a cold but you know it's a good thing because it made me think of this lesson to share with you so if you enjoyed it make sure that you subscribe here to go natural english on youtube and you know the best way to learn more with me is at gonaturalenglish.com if you have not bought the english fluency formula bot is the same vowel sound as called by the way ah ah called bot uh you should get that that's the first step the first next step in learning english with me to improve your fluency and your confidence.