How many planets are there in our solar system, of course, we will answer there are eight, namely Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune .
But since 2006 it was decided that Pluto can't be categorized as a planet anymore Pluto was included in the category of a dwarf planet along with four other dwarf planets . Shark and not a satellite, the key difference is that planets have sterile orbits, aka no other celestial bodies pass through, while dwarf planets Hi, that's not the case, then what are the five planets that are classified as dwarf planets in our solar system , let's get acquainted with the five starting with the orbit closest to the sun without you you maybe it's familiar with the name Ceres, the article is actually an asteroid whose orbit is in the asteroid belt which lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, the series has been discovered by an astronomer named giuseppe piazzi since 1801 but in 2006 Ceres was named a dwarf planet Ceres is the largest asteroid in the asteroid belt but among the five dwarf planets Ceres is the smallest with a diameter of only generative 50 kilometers later In addition Ceres is the only dwarf planet that does not have a satellite Now the second is Pluto of course we used to know Pluto as a planet but Pluto has now descended rank as a dwarf planet in 2006 among all the dwarf planets.
Pluto has the largest diameter Pluto has an oblique orbit so that the distance of Pluto from the sun is not always the same, the farthest distance is 7.6 billion KM while the closest distance is 4.4 billion KM meaning sometimes Pluto has a distance which is closer to the sun than Neptune is what causes Pluto to be more suitable to be considered a dwarf planet than a regular planet ah Hai jerking extinct Have you ever heard haumea home , yes it is a dwarf planet that was relatively recently discovered by astronomers, exactly in 2004 the unique characteristics of haumea is that among other dwarf planets How Mea has the most oval shape, much different from the other four dwarf planets whose shape still resembles a ball, the unique shape is estimated to be the effect of Haumea's very fast rotation. we can go there we will feel morning and night in just about three hours 54 minutes Wow of course this is very fast yes yes Hi really the fourth dwarf planet is Mathematics was discovered in 2005 about three months after the discovery of haumea of course we agree that the name platini is quite unique apparently make make di named after the god of fertility in the mythical Rapa Nui people who inhabit Easter Island make make has a new satellite that was discovered in 2016 and was named mk2 the fifth and most distant dwarf planet from the sun is erish.
This planet was discovered in 2005 and was considered to be called the 10th planet after the photo However, it was decided that Pluto and Ris are more suitable to be called dwarf planets among the sentences dwarf planet also has the second largest diameter only 46 km difference from Pluto but despite losing in size Eris actually has a mass 28% heavier rather than gross, making it a dwarf planet with the largest eyes, those are the five dwarf planets in our solar system, considering that astronomy is a science that continues to evolve, it is not impossible that in the future other dwarf planets will be found in our solar system. the sky let alone in our solar system this wide