facts about x ray fish 2023
The tetragroup of fish are among the most popular freshwater fish in the hobby not that far behind goldfish and betta fish however it is usually one or two of these tetrafish that tend to take all the limelight the x-ray tetra is among those members of the group that isn't necessarily very popular but it can be just as satisfying and even easier to keep here's a detailed look at this often overlooked gem of a freshwater fish .
Today's article we'll be taking a look at the x-ray tetra but before i continue do me a favor and smash that like button it lets me know that you're enjoying videos like this a little background on the x-ray tetra just like most tetras these fish also originate from south america despite not being as popular as the other tetras such as the neon tetra the x-ray tetra was discovered more than a century ago additionally unlike other tetras these fish can actually be found not just in freshwater bodies but also in brackish waters near south america's coastline the x-ray tetra is also known by other names such as the water goldfinch and the golden priscilla tetra these fish have gained some popularity in recent years in the aquarium hobby thanks to their unique looks and highly adaptable nature physical description its name provides a pretty big clue about its appearance it has a somewhat translucent body and this translucency becomes more prominent from behind the gills to its tail as such its spine is visible and that gives an appearance akin to an x-ray however this fish isn't all about its see-through looks it's colorful in its own right its tail has a reddish tint to it while the dorsal and anal fins are striped in single bands of yellow at the base black in the middle and white at the tips the head and belly of the fish also have a golden sheen which can look absolutely stunning when the light hits it in just the right way they have the classic torpedo shape very common among tetras they also stay relatively small with a maximum size between 1.6 inches to 1.9 inches or 3.2 centimeters to 5 centimeters the females tend to be larger than the males x-ray tetra temperament and behavior these are among the most docile and peaceful fish you can come across in the freshwater hobby they are also schooling fish and will need to be in the company of their own kind to feel safe so keep them in schools of at least six otherwise they will become nervous and skittish which can shorten their lifespan quite considerably x-ray tetra tank mates because of these behavioral traits it is very important to choose the right type of tank mates for these fish even slightly aggressive or curious fish that might chase after the x-ray tetra should be avoided these fish can also become very skittish in the presence of larger fishes even if they are docile and keep to themselves ideally keep these fish in a species-only tank or with other tetras and other smaller fishes that are equally docile and of a similar size some great options include small tetras corydoras catfish small resboras peaceful live bearers small loaches and pencil fish x-ray tetra tank size and tank setup while a small group of these fish can technically be kept in a 10 gallon tank it is always advisable to go for a 15 gallon or even a 20 gallon tank this will allow you to keep a good sized school of x-ray tetras as far as tank setup and water parameters are concerned these fish happen to be among the most adaptable tetras out there a planted tank either natural or artificial is a good starting point but you're only limited by your creativity as long as there is a healthy mix of hiding spots and open spaces these fish should do just fine they can also tolerate a wide range of water conditions as long as there are no sudden infrequent fluctuations the temperature can be between 64 fahrenheit and 82 fahrenheit or 17.5 celsius to 28 celsius they don't really have a preference for creation hardness and all you need to do is stick to a stable value x-ray tetra feeding and lifespan their awesome easy going nature extends their feeding habits as well they will readily accept most plant and protein based foods choose a commercial fish food from a reputed brand as the primary option with live frozen and dried food as a once in week treat feed them small quantities of food three to four times a day with the proper diet and regular upkeep of the tank these fish can live for up to 5 years check out our recommendations in the description section below x-ray tetra diseases these fish also happen to be among the hardiest tetras out there they don't usually suffer from all the deadly ailments that can sometimes afflict their cousins.
however if kept in poor conditions they can become susceptible to the usual hosts of freshwater fish diseases such as ick and parasitic infections however these can be easily avoided by doing regular maintenance and providing these fish with a proper diet any new additions to their tank should be undertaken after proper quarantine and in the event of an outbreak prompt treatment should be provided the good news is that this is pretty easy as all you will need are over-the-counter medications that are readily available at most fish source x-ray tetra breeding given how awesome and easy to care for these fish are breeding them can be an attractive idea for hobbyists fortunately getting these fish to breed is a relatively straightforward process in their natural habitats these fish migrate from brackish waters to freshwater bodies inland to breed you can replicate this by moving them from the main tank to a breeding tank with water that has a lower temperature ph and hardness your best bet is to introduce multiple pairs as they can be a bit picky when it comes to choosing partners once a breeding pair is formed remove all the other adults this is very crucial as you could lose all the eggs otherwise the female will lay between 300 and 400 eggs which the male will then fertilize as soon as this is done remove the parents as well the eggs will hatch in about 24 to 36 hours and they can be fed freshly hatched brine shrimp or some form of commercially available fry food to sum it up if you're looking to add something a bit more exclusive to your community tank that is still very easy to take care of and has an alluring appearance then the x-ray tetra is a worthy contender you might have some trouble procuring them but it is well worth the effort as this is one of the most underrated tetras out there