what are epcs complete detail
what are epcs complete detail
America is facing a national public health crisis prescription drug abuse prescription medication overdoses particularly those involving opioids are responsible for more than 25,000 deaths per year.
which is more than cocaine and heroin combined the use of paper prescriptions for controlled substances only compounds the problem by increasing the risk of altered or stolen prescriptions and drug diversion in fact one in 10 physicians admits to having their DEA number stolen the good news is the DEA allows prescribers in every state to electronically prescribe controlled substances and starting with New York several states have mandated electronic prescribing of all medication with many more states considering similar legislation EPCs can help put an end to drug diversion and prescription medication abuse by reducing the risk of altered stolen or fraudulent prescriptions EPCs creates an auditable electronic transmission directly to the pharmacy.
without exposing a prescribers DEA number EP CS also eliminates dual prescribing workflows which improves provider satisfaction and helps meet meaningful use be prescribing requirements EPCs also reduces prescription errors and inaccuracies and increases patient satisfaction by eliminating repeated visits to the doctor for refills and avoiding long wait times at the pharmacy to enable epcs however the DEA has a number of requirements the EHR system needs to be certified for e pcs prescribers must be properly identity proofed and enrolled in the EPCs system DEA approved two factor authentication must be in place for prescription signing and an ongoing audit trail is needed for all activities from identity proofing through to order signing as well as for all discrepancies as the leading provider of authentication and access management solutions for healthcare improve ADA has a deep understanding of the DEA EPCs ruling and can help identify the best way to roll out e pcs at your organization.
Improv odda delivers a complete end-to-end solution for meeting DEA requirements for epcs including identity proofing supervised credential enrollment and comprehensive reporting improve odda also supports the broadest range of DEA approved two factor authentication modalities and integrates with leading EHR and e-prescribing applications to deliver a fast convenient eat prescribing workflow that your providers and patients will love