BTC Tokenomics VS Ethereum Tokenomics. Which one is Better?
So everybody wants to know what's better Bitcoin or ethereum.
for a long time Bitcoin was the greatest store value known to man but will this change now with ethereum 2.0.
Are you actually better off investing in ethereum as a store of value today we're going to be looking at some tokenomics that may point you in that direction they're going Max is eat your heart out let's get it loaded bitboy crypto my name is Ben today we're going to be looking at Bitcoin versus ethereum as a store of value which one has Superior tokenomics so obviously let's start with Bitcoin.
They're pretty cut and dry they're going to ergonomics have helped to become the number one coin and the number one store value across the entire space in fact nothing's ever really even challenged it in this way we know Bitcoin is digital gold because these numbers are so great new Bitcoin makes its way to the market through Bitcoin mining this is done through processing blocks and the miners earning block Rewards well we know that every four years approximately 210 000 blocks these rewards are cut literally in half in an event called the Bitcoin having the next one will occur in about March or April of 2024 the last one was in May of 2020. put that into perspective as of today there's about 900 Bitcoin being mine per day 2024.
Once the having occurs that number will drop all the way down to about 450. but in total the max supply of Bitcoin ever is only 21 million coins and after all those go on the market well Bitcoin Network got to be secured just your transaction fees not so fast you know literally not so fast because it's going to take almost 120 years for the rest of the Bitcoin to be mine we all gonna be dead but nonetheless in 2140 they're going to be dealing with that problem but let's look at ethereum because ethereum now with ethereum 2.0 is really going to challenge the tokenomics of Bitcoin unlike Bitcoin though ethereum's never had a total Cap Supply still doesn't new ethereum regularly comes into the market after being mined or it did at least until merch but now we're under the world of proof of stake and there's stakers on the network not miners so stickers actually require less rewards so less ether is going to get issued under proof of stake so under proof of stake the actual inflation rate is going to depend on how many coins or how much ethereum is staked on the network we've seen reports that the network should see a decrease of 95 percent in inflation however as of right now with the amount of ethereum that state puts that number at 88 it's an 88 drop in inflation for ethereum and these figures are shocked under proof of work roughly 13 000 ethereum was issued to minors every single day with proof of stake now it's only an average of 1700 ethereum per day.
There are several other factors that compound this reduction in inflation the first and most obvious one is that the Staker is now securing the network are forced hodlers the exact opposite of what we see with miners where we see poor sellers we're sellers in the mining industry I mean they've got to dump coins in order to pay for their electricity costs and their equipment you know to keep mining but it doesn't in there this is where things get even more interesting last year we saw the introduction of EIP 1559 onto the ethereum network has improved the entire fee structure of ethereum and as a part of that upgrade a portion of every transaction is burned and taken out of the supply forever so the Aryans have actually used the term the triple having is what we just went through with the ethereum merge the reverse of the reduction of ether's issuance the forced hodling or holding of staggers and of course all the coins that are burned due to EIP 1559.
These numbers actually fluctuate a bit but what we're seeing now is are actually times on the ethereum network when ethereum goes deflationary and these are actually the times when a theory is being used the most and has the highest congestion days where the network is busy and gets a lot of interaction you can fast forward to the next Bull Run and see when do we usually see that at the peak of the market the ethereum network goes insane with transactions and during these times at the peak of excitement about ethereum the supply is going to be going deflationary it's mind-blowing when you think about it and over time there's going to result in a significant decrease in the issuance of ethereum you can actually track these ethereum Supply metrics on and you can always compare what the network would look like if it continued on with proof of work or mining but if we had continued under approve of work we would have already seen over half a million new ethereum into the market there's a little doubt in the next Bull Run these factors are going to cause ethereum to Moon absolutely Skyrocket because once again the increased Market activity when increase the amount of heat that's being burned at a time when there's already a supply crunch with no forced sellers I don't know about you but this is getting me more bullish on ethereum than ever even as just a store of value in my opinion.
The ethereum tokonomics are now Superior to Bitcoins There's No Cap Supply there's no Max Supply I did it but the fact is the inflation rate is going to be lower than Bitcoins or probably the rest of my lifetime I don't know about yours maybe or you're a young whippersnapper probably you're not going to see Bitcoin inflation ever drop lower than ethereums so drop your comments down below let me know do you think that the tokonomics of Bitcoin are superior or those of. ethereum love to hear your thoughts.