World's top 5 most Dangerous birds
Sometimes you like to wake up to their sweet sounds on a summer morning and sometimes you just love to watch them all day but these are the birds you definitely don't want to be in your vicinity
1:cassowary:These are the most dangerous birds in the world are native to Australia and New Guinea cassowaries are extremely territorial birds standing tall at 6 feet and weighing up to 130 pounds they got some killer moves they are armed with a 5 inch long dagger like claws that can kill anyone with the kick the extremely powerful legs which they use the kick and kill humans and other small animals like dogs if you're having to go near a cassowary well don't go
2:ostrich : The African ostrich is the largest bird on earth they can reach up to 9 feet in height and weighs up to 350 pound their long eyelashes in big may look funny but its territorial ushered shouldn't be taken lightly they can run at speeds of 40 miles per hour continuously up to 10 miles straight in one area South Africa of the 3 attacks happen per year some human deaths have resulted over the years from attacks falling intrusions into ostrich breeding areas.
3:Australian magpie:The Australian magpies a medium size black and white passerine bird native to Australia and southern New Guinea described as one of Australia's most accomplished songbirds they're also the most aggressive territorial birds the birds become highly aggressive during breeding season from late August to early October and will swoop and attacked passers by almost all taking birds are males attacks begin is the eggs hatch increasing in frequency and severity is the chicks grow entail office the chicks leave the nest.
4:Belkin These birds of prey or killers on the mid air they can kill birds 5 times their size and weight with just one strike their peak is shaped in such a way that they can rip through the spinal cord of the prey well it's very hard for one falcon to rip through human spinal cord in a case of attack they can be pretty good damage.
5 : Eagle They are very intimidating birds to look at they come with a combination of a big talent and I say that makes them the greatest predators in the wild normally eagles are not prone to attack humans but they can kill bear cubs a small dog in a decent size mountain go in may 2008 in eagle attacked a young boy in mangled his body.