can hamsters eat strawberries? Interesting facts
hamsters clever and adorable. hamsters are like the ryan reynolds of rats.
we're talking hamsters you know those small fluffy short-tailed rodents with chubby little cheek pouches. we've got a bunch of weird hamster facts for you let us know which ones are the weirdest in the comment section below.
Hamsters store food in cheeks:
let's get started weird fact number one hamsters store food in their cheeks yup that's right hamsters are unusual in that they can keep food in their cheeks and consume it later mother hamsters even put their little pups in their cheeks to save them from predators oh my god and you thought you were good at stuffing your face weird fact number two hamsters can't stop digging hamsters have a deep slated inclination to burrow sort of like the way you feel about buying stuff in amazon.
can hamsters eat strawberries?
Make it sure your pet never is near any spoiled fruit pieces, however. Strawberries are a safe fruit choice, along with apples, cranberries, blueberries, blackberries, cherries, mango, raspberries, lychees and melons.
They just can't help themselves hamsters can even dig complex tunnels that extend three feet beneath the ground so if you're looking to hide some valuables you can always give it to a hamster for safe keeping just don't expect to get them back anytime soon weird.
hamsters babies:
hamsters can have up to 24 babies at once hamsters breed in spring and summer and on average they can have seven litters with a maximum of 24 pups in one go move over octo mom side note a baby hamster can't open its eyes for two weeks after birth hamsters also have poor eyesight and depth perception throughout their entire lives so never let your pet hamster operate heavy machinery which means you have to hit the like button since your pet hamster can't do it for you go ahead make our day weird fact number four hamsters smell from their hips hamsters have scent glands on their hips or abdomen depending on the species which they utilize to leave a central humans also leave a scent trail from their abdomen but that's a different kind of smell a hamster scent trail helps aid with navigation and the tracking of their partners long story short hamster farts are very useful weird fact number five hamsters are always moving hamsters unlike most people thrive on physical activity they love spinning wheels even a pregnant hamster can cover five kilometers in a single day so what's your excuse for not getting off the couch weird fact number six a hamster's front teeth are a big problem these little guys front teeth grow continuously and if they don't chew their teeth will get so big it'll be difficult to open their mouths which we think sound super cute but doesn't sound so great for the hamster so when the hamsters eat they're literally chewing their teeth down weird.
hamsters learn quickly:
hamsters are super smart they respond to their pet name and perform tricks if you train them they can even remember their relatives and you can't even name all of your cousins can you it's not surprising that these adorable creatures make wonderful pets while they can bite they only do so when startled or afraid so don't scare your pet hamster.