Interesting facts about wolves in alabama
November 10, 2022
They are all famous legends that have one thing in common an animal both terrifying and fascinating, but why is that today we'll share with you several curious facts about wolves in alabama.
This carnivore beast and long distant relative of dogs first of all even though both dogs and wolves come from the canine family. They have a fundamental difference wolves are untameable by nature besides a few exceptions wolves would never accept a human as a leader and will never obey them like dogs do that's why wolves have a reputation of being dangerous.
However the truth is that they are more shy and distrustful than dangerous they flee when they see humans and only attack them when they feel threatened we are sorry to disappoint you tic tackers but wolves are not as fierce as they are always portrayed however they are pretty intelligent and tenacious since they tend to avoid direct confrontations they are opportunists when hunting and always look for the easiest and most vulnerable prey.
wolves catching speed:
They can find and if they can't cut it immediately they will chase their prey for many kilometers they aren't very fast but they do have a lot of stamina which allows them to chase their prey until it collapses exhausted they can run distances between 50 to 120 kilometers in one day they are one of the most evolved species on earth. they've been living on this planet for almost 1 million years and have adapted to the harshest of climates from the frozen lands of greenland to the deserts of arabia and the jungles in india their jaws exert a pressure of 600 kilos when they bite and their fangs can measure up to six centimeters however their best ability is their sense of smell which is 100 times better than humans and allows them to hunt even at night their sense of vision is also superior since they have a special tissue behind their retinas that allows them to detect a higher quantity of light moreover.
wolves hearing ability:
they have a very keen ear and can hear a leaf falling in the howling of their back from many kilometers away they basically have super powers wolf packs tend to have from five to ten wolves and are led by an alpha couple the only ones who have cubs the rest of the pack helps take care of them as if they were their own cubs and you might not believe it but they're very romantic animals when they choose a couple they stay together until one of them dies however sometimes members of the pack can be expelled aptly named lone wolves which never have contact with the members of the pack again and almost never held speaking of that remember that popular scene of wolves howling to the moon well turns out it's just a myth they only do it to communicate among them and since they are a nocturnal predators it's easier to see them under the full moon what do you think about this fascinating fact ticktackers do you know other curious facts about wolves let us know in the comments.